When we casually toss plastic bottles and packaging out the window or drop them on the side of the road or by the pavement, we, most likely, aren't thinking about the colossal damage that we are party to. It's mostly about the ease of disposal for us rather than about the consequences of our actions on the environment.
It is time we acknowledged that plastic pollution is the most widespread problem overwhelming our marine life and one of the main reasons behind the depleting marine resources. The most visible and disturbing outcome of plastic pollution is that it has killed, not tens, hundreds or thousands but millions of aquatic animals:
When these innocent animals ingest plastic waste they either choke on those and die, or the indigestion and accumulation of the ingested waste leads to their death by starvation. It often is the case that marine wildlife such as seabirds, whales, fishes and turtles, mistake plastic waste for prey. These unassuming animals easily become entangled in plastic wires, bags and cables and choke to death. Many of these marine creatures also suffer from lacerations, infections, reduced ability to swim, and internal injuries. Floating plastics also contribute to the spread of invasive marine organisms and bacteria, which disrupt the marine ecosystem making it highly vulnerable.
So, please stop and think before you decide to litter. There are plenty of sustainable alternatives being created which we can resort to. Switch to jute bags, glass bottles, paper cups and metal straws to minimise the use of plastic and to make a difference. Save what we have left of our marine life.
Art inspiration : Li Min/ China daily