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Image by Weiye Tan

HellO O'rtist!

Featured Artists O' The Month

Our Story: 'Kalaatma'

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Kalaatma Story 1.jpeg



When we plant a seed, we usually know what plant it is going to become, isn't it? Of course an apple seed cannot become a mango tree! But once in a way, you do come across a mystery seed, that starts off as just another seed, but you really have no idea what it would become. Kalaatma was that seed of an idea for us. Kalaatma brought 4 storytellers, Ramya Srinidhi, Lavanya Prasad, Meera Venkatesan and Anagha Prasad together, inviting us to pour our heart into it.

The idea seed was simple enough, stories that would demonstrate the power of art to transform, motivate, begin something new. It was interesting and as storytellers, exciting for us. As we started watering it and feeding it, and as the idea grew into a tree, we were taken aback by the power of this subject. It was too huge. Which story do we pluck, which do we leave?

The performance shaped through organically one step at a time. And finally, the stories that fell into our laps to tell, left as satisfied. 
Satisfied because they are a celebration of diversity and inclusivity. Something which we all believed in. Stories which we would be proud to tell.

Three stories or rather four in the one hour programme: Our first show will be in Bangalore on 11 Dec 2022 at Vyoma Studios and art centre.

Us Four:

Lavanya Prasad is an Electrical engineer turned professional storyteller from Bangalore and believes that she makes long lasting connections using stories rather than electrical wires

Meera Venkatesan is a performance storyteller, and learning consultant, who is propelled by her belief in the power of stories in inspiring learning and growth towards a better tomorrow

Anagha Prasad is an Engineer by Qualification but driven by passion, a trained storyteller, too,  for six years, now. Having worked in the IT industry for ten years, she shifted her tracks when her calling of life came to light

 Ramya Srinidhi with a master’s degree in psychology believes that we are all made up of stories and that the stories are tellers of us.  After ten years in IT HR, she has been a professional storyteller since 2015

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